Friday, September 21, 2012

Preparation Outline



NAME: Hunter Fischer                                                                                   SECTION: _____________


TITLE OF SPEECH: The Takeover of Netflix

Make sure to label learning styles throughout.



I.          Attention Catcher:

How I got started using Netflix…

            Slow Tuesday night with no homework and wondering what a good family movie would be to watch. My family mentions all the great Disney and Pixar movies that we used to watch together such as, The Lion King and Monster’s Inc.

I mention that I had recently seen Toy Story 3D in theatres and thought it was fabulous. I wanted my family to experience it’s magnificence, so I thought of a way that I wouldn’t have to run all the way up to Red Box to get the movie.

After playing Call of Duty for my normal 3 hours at a time I noticed an ad for Netflix, so I decided what the hell, I’ll try it. Turns out that Netflix gives a 30-day free trial so I used mother’s credit card and began surfing through the options. There I found Toy Story 3 and we had a great family movie night.

The net day however, Netflix had taken hold of me…


II.         Listener Relevance Link:



III.        Speaker Credibility:

            As an experienced Netflixer, I would say that I am very adapted to watching movies online and ordering them through the mail.  


IV.        Thesis Statement:

            Why Netflix requires an enormous amount of self-control.


V.         Preview:



Transition (optional):




I.          First Main Point: How Netflix got started and it’s road to success.



            A. Subpoint: Reed Hastings first had the idea of starting a business where there were no late fees for movies and they were more readily available.

             1. Sub-Subpoint: Because of the new arrival of DVD’s he shipped one to his home in California where he received it completely unscratched and still playable. From there his idea took off and he began a business where DVD’s could be rented through the mail.


2. Sub-Subpoint: All in all, his business became a huge success because of the users need for easy access to any movie they want. How convenient is logging on to a website and ordering a movie? Or nowadays one doesn’t even have to wait for it in the mail, he or she can simply stream it directly to their TV, laptop, or gaming system. Now people are okay with waiting until movies become available on Netflix instead of making the haul to the movie theatre.


1. Sub-Subpoint: This is relevant to us as consumers because now we have the ability to choose any movie we want and watch it instantly. This can be taken as a fabulous new achievement for society, or it can lead us to spend hours and hours watching useless Hollywood product.


Transition: I will now share my experience with Netflix to illustrate both the positives and negatives that it provides.


II.         Second Main Point: Over the summer and throughout college I have noticed how Netflix has altered my social life and time management skills.


Listener Relevance Link:


A. Subpoint: My relationship with Netflix started as a casual one where I would simply watch a movie at a time once or twice a week. I was simply too busy to spend days at a time watching movie after movie. I began to notice a change in myself when I would have to force myself to walk away from the TV in order to get a few minutes of studying in. During finals week and weeks before that, my grades suffered dramatically from the excess amount of time I was spending with my ass on the couch watching TV. The real problem began when I had no other obligations during the summer. My time was spent literally watching Netflix for days at a time. My schedule was set up to where I would wake up, watch Netflix, eat, continue where I left off, work, finish where I had left off. Netflix had taken over.


            B. Subpoint: The transition to college proved to be a difficult one on account of I had grown accustomed to be nothing more than a slug and moved from the fridge to the TV for hours on end. With school starting up again I realized that I had to make a decision deep inside myself put the gleaming hold of Netflix behind me. This proved more difficult than I had originally thought.

            1. Sub-Subpoint: since the start of my days at UK I have already spent around 55 hours watching Netflix. I get my homework done, but then its straight to the laptop. My day is centered around time watching Prison Break, a fantastic show. With more than 80 episodes it is more than equipped to take up more time than I need to watching it.


Transition: By using my struggle with this fabulous business I can help an already functioning person successfully enjoy Netflix without having it take over their life.



III.        Third Main Point: How the average user can maintain a functioning lifestyle without becoming a Netflix addict.


            Listener Relevance Link:

            A. Subpoint: By limiting the time someone watches it to a weekly schedule one can enjoy it but not let it take over their daily lives.

             1. Sub-Subpoint: Self control takes a huge role in maintaining a healthy schedule.

             2. Sub-Subpoint: Only watch the shows or movies that truly interest you and go from there. Don’t use Netflix as a time waster, but rather a device that enlightens you to the wonderful movies that are being produced.

            B. Subpoint: Only use it in your free time.

             1. Sub-Subpoint: watch it with friends so you’re not a bum that sits by themselves watching show after show.

             2. Sub-Subpoint:







I.          Restatement of Thesis: Use self-control to help yourself enjoy it, but not overindulge in it.

II.         Summary of Main Points:

            a. only watch it in your free time.

            b. choose shows that truly interest you

            c. keep in mind that there are always better thing that you could be devoting your time to.


III.        Clincher:

            Short story of how I once spent 6 hours watching Netflix nonstop.


List the references you used in the speech. Format them according to MLA style (use your quick reference book).


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