Monday, September 10, 2012

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

           So many unnerving topics are brought up in this article that is it difficult to even begin to think about the impact that Google has really had on our society. I believe the most shocking point brought up was the fact that Google has changed how we actually think and read. It is obvious to me that my attention span is similar to a puppy’s when reading articles on the internet; scanning the text for important headlines all the while glancing at the colorful and sometimes sensual ads in the outer columns. There is simply too much information to really sit and indulge yourself into what the words on the page are trying to get you to realize. I had never thought that maybe our minds used to be different when words were read on paper rather than a screen. Without the endless distractions, it would be easier to fully comprehend complex articles. It is almost some form of technological ADD.

           Since we were all born in the late 20th Century, it is difficult to imagine a world without efficient systems. Our world is now based on making things faster, more effective, and less time consuming. The creation of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s “discrete steps” to make an industrial factories output greater has now resulted in our entire world shaped upon this same idea: productivity. It was his mind that created an ideology that called for a “best method” process. Google expanded on this to create a “best method” of research. This has resulted in any information we desire being available at the click of a hyperlink. The availability of everything we need to know is fabulous, but also worrisome. There is no need for lengthy reading to find a small fact, which leads our brains searching for a faster way to find what we seek. This is a scary thought because of the effect that it has on our own intelligence. With artificial intelligence doing all the work for us, why do we even need to think?

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