Friday, December 14, 2012




          The goal of my project was to show how Facebook influenced fraternities decisions on potential members. I wanted to find out if a person's Facebook was a reason to not give them a bid. I ended up finding out that there's actually have been some cases where active members of a fraternity decided not to give someone a bid based on what was shown on their Facebook. They look for inappropriate pictures displayed, cursing in status updates, and his overall character online. I was actually surprised to find that someone's social identity could influence someone's judgement of them so immensely.

          If I had another month I would definitely go out and film some of the process of spring rush to show exactly what happens. I would have liked to have shown what actually happens during formal rush. For example, I could have shown some of the conversations that happen, as well as the selection process and what the actives specifically look for. I could have also shown some footage of how Facebook goes into planning our philanthropy events. We are planning one now to involve a kickball tournament, so I would have like to have filmed the event and put some footage of it in my documentary. I should have interviewed some sororities to ask them what kind of things they look for when teaming up with a fraternity to do social and service based events. From a technical side, the editing was very difficult and if I had more time I could have refined it a little more to make it flawless. There are some awkward pauses and parts where the audio is too soft. Also, I should have taken my lighting into better consideration. The interviews ended up being very dark, so I went with a black and white theme. It would have looked better in color. The only other thing I wish I could have done better was making more of the film footage based instead of just a bunch of interviewing. There's too much of just people talking, and not a lot of action. I feel like if I had another month, I could have added some quality footage to make the film much more exciting.

         Overall I am pleased at what my film came out to look like. Obviously some changes could have been made, but I like the finished project. I think it gives very good insight to what fraternities use Facebook for. I started out not knowing exactly what I wanted to do besides something involving my fraternity. After interviewing a lot of members, I decided that it  would be interesting to see how they judged my pledge class based off of our Facebook's. I also observed that Facebook was an excellent tool in helping us interact with different Greek communities, so I touched on that aspect as well. I hope my video displayed some aspects of Facebook that some people did not know, and will take other's opinions into consideration before uploading questionable photos.